When it comes to compensation and benefits, other than base salary, which is the most important to you?
This blog post is part of Udacity Data Scientists Nanodegree Program. Detailed analysis with all required code is posted in my github repository and Jupyter notebook.
My github repository:
Jupyter notebook code:
Data source:
Each stage of the CRISP-DM process. These stages are:
- Business Understanding
- Data Understanding
- Prepare Data
- Data Modeling
- Evaluate the Resultssults
Business Understanding
In this Notebook, I will explore the 2023 Stack Overflow results to gather some information about the organization, main field of study, important benefits, and the increase in salary with the years of learning how to program.
There are 4 questions I want to find answers to:
- Question 1: What type of company or organization do you work for?
- Question 2: What is your main field of study in college or university/for your undergraduate studies in 2023?
- Question 3: Which is the most important benefits to you?
- Question 4: The more you learn, will the more salary you get?
Data Understanding
In order to understanding data. I will do these steps:
- Handle categorical data
- Analyze, Model, and Visualize
Question 1: What type of company or organization do you work for?
Evaluate the Results
Through the chart, we can easily see:
- The number of people working in Privately-held limited companies, not in startup mode, accounts for the largest number, about more than 16,000 people.
- The number of people working in Publicly-traded corporations accounts for the second largest number, about 6,000 people.
- The number of people working in State-owned companies is small, about less than 1,000 people. Thus, the difference between the number of people working between a Privately-held limited company and a State-owned company is quite large, about 15,000 people
Question 2: What is your main field of study in college or university/for your undergraduate studies in 2023?
Evaluate the Results
Through the chart, we can easily see:
- The proportion of people graduating from field Computer science or software engineering is the largest, about 43%.
- The rate of people graduating from field Computer engineering or electrical/electronics engineering ranks second, about 9%.
- The rate of people graduating from field A health science is the least, about 1%. Thus, the proportion of people graduating from field Computer science or software engineering is much larger than field A health science, about 42%. Thereby, we see that field Computer science or software engineering is a field that is very attractive to learnersers.
Question 3: Which is most important benefits to you?
Evaluate the Results
Based on the chart, we see:
- The benefit users are most interested in is Vacation/days off, accounting for about 15%.
- Remote options is the second most important benefit, accounting for about 13.7%.
- Child/elder care and Other are benefits that receive little attention, accounting for about 2% and 1% respectively. Lastly, when it comes to compensation and benefits, other than base salary, Vacation/days off is the following are most important to users
Question 4: The more you learn, will the more salary you get?
Evaluate the Results
Based on the map, we can see:
- We can achieve the highest salary when we have 20 years or more of study experience.
- From 19 to 20 years of study, we can reach the 2nd highest average salary.
- The average salary is lowest when we have less than 1 year of study experience. From there we conclude that the more years of experience accumulated working on a project, the higher the average salary and vice versa.
In this article, we took a look at main field of study, important benefits, and the increase in salary with the years of learning how to program according to Stack Overflow 2023 survey data.
We gathered the advice of the masses as to how to increase in salary with the years, which showed that the more years of experience accumulated working on a project, the higher the average salary and vice versa.
When it comes to compensation and benefits, other than base salary, we then looked at the satisfaction of important benefits. This showed that Vacation/days off is the following are most important to users. We found that field Computer science or software engineering is a field that is very attractive to learnersers.
The findings here are observational, not the result of a formal study
To see more about this analysis, see the link to my Github available here
View a detailed analysis report on Medium
Files Description in the repo
The Stack Overflow Survey – 2023.ipynb – Notebook containing the data Analysis
stack-overflow-developer-survey-2023.zip – Developers Survey Result Data and Result Schema
pandas, matplotlib, jupyter-notebook (if running locally)
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